What is homeopathy the ans is--"Treat the patients not the disease"

Treat the patient not the disease.
Treat the patient not the disease this is the main slogan of treatment of homeopathy. Symptoms
are main clue for the treatment of homeopathy. There is a philosophy behind this treatment method "similia similibus cuerenter" a gar man language, this means the similarity between medical symptoms and disease symptoms. Actually homeopathy medicine can work where the same symptoms are present in disease symptoms otherwise it this medicine does not work totally. Perhaps in some cases it works lightly not deeply. So similarity is a must to apply medicine in a disease.In homeopathy patient is important latter we think about the diseases.So we have to study the patient his nature his habits ,his tests,his mentality and so on.Without the study of patients it is impossible to select a homeopathy medicine.I mean proper medicine. Because symptoms leads a homeopath to select proper medicine. On the other hand a homeopath does not neglect to study miasmas which are the main culprits behind the diseases and diseases show symptoms definitely. We know that flowers turned into fruits one day. So symptoms turned into viable diseases like cancer or turner that are visible to human.
 There is a lot of homeopathic medicine and it is not impossible to select a remedy. Of course it needs much study about homeopathy medicine. When a homeopathy doctor enables to select a proper medicine he can be succeed to a patient. Here proper medicine means the medicine that showed the similar symptoms at the time when it has been proven. Only proved medicine is allowed for treatment. This proves time all medicines made symptoms of the healthy human body. The symptoms which were appeared to human being were written in homeopathy metoria medico. (Homeopathy symptoms book) So all homeopath doctors are to study this book On the other hand a he/she have to study The Org anon Of Medicine well written by the great philosopher, scientist and artist Dr Samuel Hahnemann . This book deals everything what is homeopathy and why it needs treatment, according to homeopathy "a micro-doses system" 
It also discovered the three energies
The vital energy which is invisible dynamic 
Diseases as like energy
Medicine energy
Here it is mentioned that these three are like as energy not substance

The first formula (law) treats the patients not the diseases. Patient means a human with all of his/her both mental & physical conditions not only the physical condition, the mental situation is as responsible as physical condition.